- ThinkUKnow? E-Safety
- Our Work
- Clubs
- Pupil Parliament
- Handwriting
- Year 3 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - How True Is The Croods? - AUTUMN TERM
- Year 4 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - The Groovy Greeks - AUTUMN TERM
- Year 6 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - The Tudors - AUTUMN TERM
- Year 5 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - Rotten Romans - AUTUMN TERM
- Homework
- Year 6 Booster Revision
- Remote Learning
- At Home Learning Resources
- At Home Learning Shares
At Home Learning Shares
Here we can share all the great work that you are doing at home.
Don't Stop Isolating
What happens when you're in isolation, your mum is a nurse and your music homework is to re-write a karaoke classic? We give you. Don't Stop Isolating! #keepisolating #homeschooling #flattenthecurve #wegotthis
Self Isolating
Well done to the North Family for producing the video below. Fab job!
Watch “Self isolating” on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/399819520?ref=em-share
Keeping Fit
Owen works out to Joe Wicks. Joe streams live on his YouTube channel every day at 9am.
Watch Owen on https://vimeo.com/400518462