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- Year 3 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - How True Is The Croods? - AUTUMN TERM
- Year 4 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - The Groovy Greeks - AUTUMN TERM
- Year 6 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - The Tudors - AUTUMN TERM
- Year 5 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - Rotten Romans - AUTUMN TERM
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Year 3 Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children
This term we are learning all about The Stone Age and Iron Age. We will learn all about the following: 1. What life was like in The Stone Age 2. The different ways that Stone Age people made their daily life easier 3. How cave art has shown us what prehistoric life was like
How True Is 'The Croods'?
For our Topic this term we are going to watch a film called The Croods. It is about a Stone Age family who have to learn a new way of life in order to survive! We are going to find out if this film is a good example of what The Stone Age was really like. |
ADAM AND EVE Help Adam to find the Paradise and meet Eve. A funny and adventurous journey awaits you! Click here to play the game! |
The Iron Age During the Iron Age, early man had discovered ways to make their tools and weapons out of a mixture of iron and bronze. Follow the link below and download a template to make your very own Iron Age shield! Did you know that shields were often found in rivers? It is believed that they were thrown into the river as an offering to the gods. |
Top 10 facts about The Stone Age Become an expert on The Stone Age by following the link below. |
Fun YouTube Videos About The Stone Age Click on the links below to watch some of the fun, educational videos and learn a little bit more about The Stone Age. A Day in the Life of a 10-Year-Old Cave Boy |
Please click on the links below for this terms topic leaflets
Year 3 Topic Leaflet - Click here
Edshed - Practise your spellings, times tables and maths by completing your homework here
BBC Bitesize - Literacy, numeracy and science activities.
Woodlands - Links to interactive subject resources including literacy and numeracy.
Purple Mash - Links to the Purple Mash website so you can practice your computing skills.
Maths Multiplication Check - Practise for your year 4 SATS times table test with a very similar test here
Spelling Game - Dance Mat Typing