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- Year 3 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - Walk like an Egyptian - SPRING TERM
- Year 4 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - Chocolate Topic - SPRING TERM
- Year 5 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - Crazy Carnival - SPRING TERM
- Year 6 - Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children - It Started Here 'The Industrial Revolution' - SPRING TERM
Year 5 Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children
Please download this term's topic leaflet by clicking here.
AUTUMN TERM TOPIC This term the children are learning all about The Greeks. They will learn all about the following:1. When and where the Greeks lived2. The difference between Athens and Sparta 3. About Alexander the Great 4. The Battle of Marathon and The Olympics 5. Ancient Greek Gods 6. Children's lives in Ancient Greece |
The Groovy Greeks
The quest will take you through the sights and sounds of Ancient Greece. Help the children by playing games, watching fun animations and learning about the lives of the Ancient Greeks. Click here to play the game! |
The Ancient Olympics Did you know the Olympics began in Ancient Greece? Here you can compare ancient and modern Olympic sports, tour ancient Olympia and read about the exploits of the first Olympic athletes |
Research Ancient Greece! Become an expert on the Ancient Greeks by following the link below. |
Fun Youtube Videos About Ancient Greeks Click on the links below to watch some of the fun, educational videos about Ancient Greece |
Edshed - Practise your spellings, times tables and maths by completing your homework here
BBC Bitesize - Literacy, numeracy and science activities.
Woodlands - Links to interactive subject resources including literacy and numeracy.
Purple Mash - Links to the Purple Mash website so you can practice your computing skills.
Maths Multiplication Check - Practise for your year 4 SATS times table test with a very similar test here
Spelling Game - Dance Mat Typing