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 Year 5 Useful, Fun & Exciting Links for Children

This term we are learning all about The Romans. We will learn about the following:

1. Locate and identify where the Roman Empire expanded across Europe

2. Learn about the Roman Empire, and the invasion attempts on Britain.

3. Learn about the Roman Army and why it was so strong.

4. Understand the size and structure of Hadrian's wall.

5. Discover facts about Roman Roads and find out where they were built.


Click here to see our topic leaflet!

Rotten Romans

Introduction to The Romans.

Listen to the audio and fill in the gaps in the paragraphs after you have heard the answers.

Click the link below.

Ancient Rome reading worksheet



Roman Army

In this exciting game you get to find out all about The Roman Army and see what a Roman Legionary (Soldier) wore.

Click here to play the game!

Click here to take the Roman Army Quiz

Roman Numerals

Why not test out your Roman number knowledge with this interactive game.

You will be given a random selection of Roman Numerals.

The computer will then display numbers in English one by one.
It's your job to translate the English numbers into Roman numerals. If you see a number that is on one of your blocks, click to select it.

Click here to find out more!


Ancient Rome Vocabulary

Develop your Ancient Rome vocabulary with the following links:
Part 1

Part 2

Fun Games and Activities 
About The Romans

Click on the links below to watch videos and play games about some of the different areas we'll be looking at this term.  

Roman's guessing game

Roman Emperor Quiz

Rocking Roman Gods & Goddesses song

Topic Leaflet

Year 5 Topic Leaflet - Click here

EdshedPractise your spellings, times tables and maths by completing your homework here

BBC Bitesize - Literacy, numeracy and science activities.

Woodlands - Links to interactive subject resources including literacy and numeracy.

Purple Mash - Links to the Purple Mash website so you can practice your computing skills.

Maths Multiplication Check - Practise for your year 4 SATS times table test with a very similar test here

Spelling Game - Dance Mat Typing