Leys Junior School

Leys Junior School
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Life at Leys Junior School Life at Leys Junior School Life at Leys Junior School

Sports Premium

PE and School Sport is important at Leys Junior School. The children take part in two hours of PE per week and there is a great range of lunch and free after school sports clubs to support their fitness. We love to be competitive too and take part in many competitions with other schools. 

Leys Junior School is affiliated to Amber Valley School Sport Partnership who provide a range of services and opportunities to support the school’s delivery of PE, School Sport and Physical Activity. Through our affiliation, we are able to access PE planning resources for each year group themed around 8 different sports. The plans are high quality and easy to follow, allowing for staff to plan lessons to suit our school’s facilities and students. Each lesson includes fun, progressive activities from an effective warm-up to a competitive activity, with the chance to differentiate learning to support students of all abilities.  Lessons also include technical and tactical teaching points allowing staff to challenge students in a variety of ways. The PE lesson planning we use also includes a PE assessment tracker giving staff the chance to efficiently assess students as Emerging, Expected or Exceeding from a physical, social and emotional standpoint.

Our affiliation package also includes a large number of Inter-school events & competitions in a wide variety of sports. These events are categorised to encourage as many students as possible to represent their school throughout a given year and to help our staff select appropriate students to take part. Our students love taking part in these events and are always really excited to represent their school!

In 2023/2024 our school attended 20 sporting events and competitions, giving our children the opportunity to compete with and against pupils from other schools in Amber Valley in: football, athletics, basketball, handball, gymnastics, boccia, table tennis, cross country, netball and cricket. The children loved taking part and representing their school and even returned with a certificate each for their efforts. Subsequently, these children were awarded medals (1st, 2nd, 3rd  or participation) in assembly in front of the school. Celebrating participation, effort and success in sports is something that is highly valued at Leys Junior School.

66% of pupils in the school have represented the school in an inter-school competition this academic year. This has increased from previous years. We will continue to build on this again next year.

At Leys Junior School, all of our children are given the opportunity to compete in intra-level sporting competitions held on our school grounds. During the 2023-2024 academic year, all of our pupils had the opportunity to take part in three  intra-level sporting competitions- tag rugby, endball or netball and sports day athletics.

Here at Leys Junior School, we also try to encourage our pupils to stay active while outside of school hours. We do this by promoting local clubs, activity hubs and leisure providers through various methods including assemblies, fliers, facility usage and extra-curricular links. To encourage pupils to stay active over the holidays, we also actively promote Amber Valley SSP’s Holiday Sports Camps which take place at local leisure centres and offer low cost, high quality sports activities for all pupils. Our after-school sports clubs have been popular this year. We will continue to provide a variety of after-school sports clubs next year too.

Through our affiliation we are also able to access Bikeability training which gives our year 6 and year 5 students a chance to learn a vital life skill and increase their confidence on their bike as well as work towards earning their certificate!

Leys Junior School also accesses various activity resources to implement in school, the most useful of which is the Mini Leaders resource. This, along with CPD training and the annual student conference, helps to put in place a culture of junior leadership during lunchtime and throughout the school day. This sees students leading their peers, providing further opportunities for pupils to be active.

Through our work with Amber Valley School Sport Partnership, our staff enjoy regular staff CPD, assistance with running sports events and even guidance when applying for awards and accreditation, giving the school chance to help our students become more active and achieve accreditation based on our good work.

Leys Junior School is currently a Gold standard school from the School Games Mark Award. 


Sports Premium.

Leys Junior School is fortunate to be receiving £17,800 for the academic year of 2023/ 2024. The Government has published advice for schools to guide how this funding could be spent, however exactly what the money is to be spent on is at the discretion of each school. Leys Junior School will strive to ensure that the funding provided will be used to benefit all children and will be used to its fullest potential.

How to use the PE and Sport Premium.

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.

This means that you should use the premium to:

develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers

make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

For example, you can use your funding to:

  • hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers
  • provide existing staff with training or resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively
  • introduce new sports or activities and encourage more pupils to take up sport
  • support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports clubs, holiday clubs and Change4Lifeclubs
  • run sport competitions
  • increase pupils’ participation in the School Games
  • run sports activities with other schools

Sports Premium money is spent effectively at Leys Junior School by enabling increased participation in competitions across a variety of sports and providing high quality physical activity in school every day across P.E. lessons, extra-curricular sports clubs and lunch time activities.

 Leys Junior School strongly recognises the importance of Physical Education for all young people. Our aim therefore is to encourage as many young people as possible to participate in and excel at Physical Education and sport. We are committed to enabling our children to develop all aspects of their Physical Education and to flourish in terms of their sporting ability. We strive to provide numerous extra-curricular sporting activities (free of charge) to allow all children to discover their interests and passions. We pride ourselves on promoting sport for all of our children and are inclusive of all levels of abilities. Whenever possible, B and sometimes C teams are taken to competitions to allow as many of our children as possible the chance to compete.


The link below is the breakdown of how the Sports Premium funding will be used to benefit the children of Leys Junior School.

Please click here to view last year's 2023-2024 reviewed Sports Action Plan.



School Swimming Standard


The link below is the percentage attainment figures for swimming and water safety of Y6 pupils for 2023/2024.

Please click here to view the 2024/2025 Swimming Standard.