Leys Junior School

Leys Junior School
Leys Junior School Gallery
Life at Leys Junior School Life at Leys Junior School Life at Leys Junior School

Settling In


Children come from several different schools in the area into Year 3. We carefully mix the children between our two Year 3 classes using information from parents, Y2 teachers and the children themselves so that they will be with familiar children. Children who do not know anyone are also carefully placed so that they will have the best chance of settling in and are given buddies.

The new Year 3 children spend two days getting to know their new teachers and friends during July. Children who have Special Educational Needs have additional afternoons with us as well.

Parents are invited to a Welcome Evening where they have the opportunity to meet the staff, receive key information about the school routines and have any questions answered.



Welcome Documents


Please click on the documents below to access our New Starter Documents


Home School Agreement

ICT Acceptable Use Agreement

Privacy Policy 

Breakfast and Afterschool Club Agreement