Leys Junior School

Leys Junior School
Leys Junior School Gallery
Life at Leys Junior School Life at Leys Junior School Life at Leys Junior School


Cooperation and consultation with parents are important aspects of our school. 

There will be at least one parents’ evening each term to which you will be invited with your child to discuss your child’s progress and to review their targets - we call this our Learning Conversations.

However, you need not wait for a formal invitation to see your child’s teacher or the Head Teacher. If anything worries you about your child’s progress or you wish to see your child’s work then, always let us know.  Arrangements can be made for you to discuss any matters that concern you.

We value the development of a positive, working relationship between home and school. We welcome parental involvement in school and are happy to make use of the varied talents and skills that parents have. Together we are stronger.