Leys Junior School

Leys Junior School
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SEND Provision


Please also view our SEND Learning Support Room information on Our School Page.

This report provides key information about how the school implements effective and progressive provisions for special educational needs - in accordance with section 65 (3) of The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. The information presented is updated annually and addresses frequently asked questions regarding our SEND provision.  Please read this report in conjunction with our Special Educational Needs and Disability policy.


Ofsted acknowledged that:

Pupils, including disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, make good progress…  The teachers create a good climate for learning. The school’s values are positively and consistently promoted.  Well briefed staff who work with small groups, such as in support of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, help the pupils to make faster progress.  The Executive Headteacher’s ambition for all pupils was evident in an assembly. This assembly also illustrated well the school’s commitment to equality of opportunity and compassion for others. The pupils reflected maturely on the difficulties faced by those who overcome considerable disability.”

Please contact school if there is anything you would like to discuss regarding your child’s individual needs. You can contact Mrs Nichola Way, who is our Executive Headteacher, and the Special Educational Needs/Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo).


Contact Number 01773 832895 or info@leys.derbyshire.sch.uk.

 The LA Local Offer                                 

The `Children and Families Bill’ states that from 1st  September 2014, Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) aged 0-25. This information is published in the LA’s `Local Offer’ and in the schools SEN Information Report.

The intention of the `Local Offer’ is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision available in the local area.


Derbyshire County Council's `Local Offer’ can be found at www.derbyshiresendlocaloffer.org.


Here are a few frequently asked questions:

 Who should I talk to in school?

If you are thinking of sending your child to our school you can contact the SENDCo, or the Headteacher to discuss your child’s individual needs, disabilities, and difficulties with learning or specific special educational needs.

If your child is already in our school you can contact their class teacher or any of the above.

What can Leys Junior School offer you and your child?

Leys Junior School is a fully inclusive mainstream school that is maintained by the Local Authority (LA), Derbyshire County Council.  We offer a fully inclusive learning environment to reflect the needs of our diverse community. All staff have skills and expertise to provide for the needs of all our children. We provide Special Educational Needs and Disability provisions for all four areas of need identified in the SEND Code of Practice, July 2014.

These are:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health difficulties
  • Sensory and/or physical needs

How do we identify children who have special needs?

At different times in their school life, a child or young person may have a special educational need. The Code of Practice 2014 defines SEND: “A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for him or her.

A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age, or
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

We will take time to get to know your child and yourselves. We will gather Information through observation and assessments and seek your views and those of your child to identify and provide for your child’s needs.

What support is available within school to meet the needs of my child?

  1. a) What is the school approach to teaching children with SEND?

All class teachers ensure that they build upon what your child can already do and ensure that they plan for the needs of individuals in their everyday teaching. They are also supported by the SENDCo, and highly trained support staff. Some children will receive small group intervention or access one to one support as necessary with school staff or outside agencies. This is wholly dependent upon the child’s individual needs.

We also have excellent links with external agencies such as:-


  •  Educational Psychologist
  •  Local Inclusion Officer
  •  Support Service for Special Educational Needs (SSSEN)
  •  Autism Outreach Service
  •  Sensory Service for children with physical, visual or hearing needs 
  •  Behaviour Support Services (BSS)
  •  Speech and Language (SLT)
  •  Educational Welfare Service (EWO)
  •  Social Services
  •  Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  •  Occupational Therapy (OT)
  •  Derbyshire Information Advice and Support Services Network (previously Parent Partnership)


  1. b) How is extra support allocated to children?

The school budget, received from the LA, includes money for supporting children with SEND. The Headteacher decides on the deployment of resources for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, in consultation with the school governors on the basis of needs within the school.

The Headteacher and SENCo discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school. From this information, they identify resources, training and support required, then individual needs are identified on our school Provision Map. This is reviewed regularly and changes made as appropriate.

Some children will have their key provision identified within a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Educational Health Care Plan. Each child’s progress will be reviewed through the statutory review process.


  1. c) How is the intervention/support monitored as to its effectiveness?

When a child takes part within small group sessions or intervention groups, their progress will be monitored termly, to measure the impact which this is having upon the child's learning. This will be shared with the parent/carer during meetings where necessary. If a child is not responding effectively to intervention, i.e. if there is no change in their progress, groups will be revised and new methods considered, where appropriate. This will be up-dated on the school provision map.


  1. d) What training have staff had to meet the diverse needs of children with SEND?

The SENCO’s role is to support the class teacher and teaching assistants in co-ordinating provision for children with SEND. The school provides relevant training based on the needs of children in our school and to ensure we can meet the needs of new pupils joining our school. Whole staff training is undertaken as and when appropriate.


  1. e) What support is available for ensuring the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND?

We recognise that some children have additional emotional and social difficulties that need to be developed and nurtured. Our school has a designated staff member, Mrs Gaunt, who offers support to children regarding their social and emotional well-being, in the form of positive play. Class Teachers can suggest that a child spends some informal time chatting and sharing feelings with Mrs Gaunt, which allows the child to focus holistically on their well-being, as well as considering their academic achievements.

How will the school involve me and my child in discussing and planning their education?

Parents play a vital role in ensuring children’s individual needs are met through regular liaison with staff and external agencies. 

Our children are always at the centre of what we do and are encouraged to share their successes, achievements and favourite moments at all annual review meetings, this may be presented in a variety of ways according to their maturity, needs and abilities.

Parents are regularly invited into school to discuss their child’s progress and achievements. You will be able to contribute to your child’s Individual Education Plan and to identify their next steps in learning, on a termly basis. Our SENDCo is available to discuss your child’s needs at other times as necessary. All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you. A home-school contact book may be used to support communication with you, when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.

How accessible is our school environment?

Our school is fully inclusive. All school buildings are fully accessible.  Support is available or can be made available to provide access and mobility as appropriate to meet the needs of all learners. After school and extra-curricular provision is accessible and available to all children.

Disabled parking spaces are available

We have disabled toilets that are large enough to accommodate changing

Visual timetables are available within the classrooms

We ensure where ever possible that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.

How will we support your child in starting Leys and moving on?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND, and we take steps to ensure that any transition is a smooth as possible.

If your child is joining us: 

  • Contact will be made between ourselves and the previous setting to pass on vital information/records.
  • Prior to admission, or once a child’s special needs have been identified an Individual Education Plan for your child will be produced. Staff will also be informed about your child’s specific needs.
  • Your child will be able to visit our school and stay for a taster session, if this is appropriate.
  • Extra transition will be offered to your child, should this be thought necessary.
  • SENCo will liaise with you and any relevant support services.

If your child is moving to another school:

  • We will contact the school SENCO and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child. Where possible, a planning meeting will take place with the SENCO from the new school and information shared.
  • We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
  • Additional time will be allocated to your child to prepare them for the move.
  • We will arrange transition visits , if possible, and invite new staff to visit our school to get to know your child
  • Guidance will be given by the SENCo to facilitate the best transition possible.


When moving classes in school:

  • Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and staff meetings will take place between all staff to share information and records.
  • Additional visits into their new class will be arranged.

For further information, or to arrange an appointment to speak to the SENDCO please contact the school office on 01773 832895.